What is Cremation?

This section is dedicated to those who are looking to learn more about the cremation funeral service history or our curious about the entire cremation process. This is the perfect place to educate yourself on how different cultures and religions view cremation. If you have more questions about the process or our specific cremation services, please reach out to us at 212-473-2220. 

A Brief History of Cremation Facts Around the World

The cremation funeral service has been a part of the human experience for thousands of years; in fact, archeologists tell us the history of cremation began some 20,000 years ago, along the shores of Lake Mungo, in Australia. The popularity of cremation in locations around the world has waxed and waned over the centuries; growing in popularity during some centuries, then discarded as a commonplace practice; only to have interest renewed. Commonly this was due to the imposition of religious or social doctrine by conquering peoples; or in some cases, by governmental decree (as in modern China, where cremation has been made mandatory in most regions).

cremation funeral service world

Since the cremation funeral service has become increasingly more popular, many people have sought out further information about cremation services. To help you better understand the cremation process and available options like direct cremation or cremation with a memorial service, we have prepared some helpful information. The following facts about cremation are intended to help answer frequently asked questions and educate you about the process further.
For more information about cremation or the services we offer, please make sure to visit our cremation services page or contact us to learn more.

5 Facts About Cremation

It’s Green
When you are cremated your body is reduced to biodegradable ashes. Unlike a traditional burial, cremation doesn’t require a large burial plot or chemicals for embalming.
It’s Portable
Cremation leaves your remains portable. If your family has to move far away, they cannot bring your burial plot with them. Cremation urns however are portable meaning your family can take you with them.
Flames Don’t Burn The Body
A common misconception about cremation is that the flames burn the body to ashes. In modern crematories, the intense heat produced by the flames is what actually reduces the body to ashes. Flames never touch the body.
Urns Can Be 3D Printed
If your family wants to create a special urn for their loved one’s ashes, they can have one printed. 3D printed urns allow families to create a special place to store their loved one’s ashes in something that reflects who the individual was. For example, if you love basketball, you can have a basketball urn created.
Unique Ways To Spread Ashes
There is really only one way to buried a loved one. Cremation allows families unique ways to spread their loved one’s ashes in a special place. Common places to spread ashes include the beach, woods, ocean and even in planes from the sky.
The Process of Cremation
Are you curious about our modern cremation process? Wondering how it fits into the history of cremation? We've gathered details about today's process of cremation, as well as interesting, insightful highlights from cremation history, and warmly invite you to explore the subject with us.
Religious Views on Cremation
Many people who come to us are deeply concerned about how religious views on cremation will affect their cremation decision. If you're considering cremation and need reliable information about religion and cremation to help make the choice, we urge you to read this page.